
Thursday 18 April 2024

David Tennant's birthday today and how to get an autograph/signed photo

As most fans of David Tennant know, today (Thursday 18th April) is David's 53rd birthday.

If you would like to send a birthday card to David then you should mail it to:
David Tennant
c/o Independent Talent Group
40 Whitfield Street,

If you would like a signed photo of David Tennant, then please enclose a stamped addressed envelope and one will be returned to you. The envelope should be postcard sized. There is no need to enclose a photo.

The time it takes to receive an autograph depends on his work commitments.

If you live outside of the UK and would like to request an autograph or signed photo from David, please follow the instructions above and include an International Reply Coupon. Not all countries use them so you need to check with your own post office regarding how you can prepay the postage from the UK.

Alternatively email and you can purchase British postage by paying with either Visa or Mastercard.

A postcard and an envelope weighs under 20gms. We suggest not printing stamps online from outside the UK due to their short 24 hours validity.

Sometimes fans set up online cards for David's birthday but sending your own card is the ONLY way to ensure that he receives your personal wishes for his birthday.

Please note that birthday tweets or messages sent to our account are not forwarded to David.