
Sunday 12 January 2014

'Charismatic' David Tennant in Telegraph article about leading men on the stage

In yesterday's Telegraph Sarah Crompton wrote an article about three leading men on stage in plays in London at the moment - David Tennant in Richard II, Jude Law in Henry V and Tom Hiddleston in Coriolanus.

The article starts by talking about our website!

It starts:
'There is a film on David Tennant's fan site which shows him leaving the Barbican theatre and greeting his fans. There are a lot of them, in a more or less orderly line, and he greets them with exemplary good humour, working his way down the queue, posing for endless selfies, signing autograph books, chatting and at ease.

Only a slight tension around his eyes betrays his exhaustion: this is a man who has just spent three hours with the RSC, starring in Shakespeare's Richard II, holding an audience in the palm of his hand.'

The article continues that what is extraordinary about the scene is that both Jude and Tom are doing similar things in London at the moment too - 'To have three such charismatic leading men starring in three relatively underperformed Shakespeare plays at the same moment is a rare treat.'

Further on in the article Sarah wrote:
'As Richard II, Tennant is entering even more interesting territory. This is the third time the actor has worked with director Greg Doran, and they clearly have a strong rapport, but while his Hamlet and his Berown in Love's Labour's Lost both traded on his charm and quicksilver intelligence, as Richard he is playing against type.

He doesn't use his own voice for one thing, but an entirely convincing, slightly strangulated English accent that perfectly suits the affected, egotistical character. With long hair and flowing robes, his Richard is an affected popinjay, with a streak of cruelty and a deeper one of snivelling self-pity.

Bravely, Tennant doesn't play it for sympathy. It is a dark difficult performance, running in the face of fan worship outside the stage door.'

 Many thanks to Poly for posting the article. A photo of it is below. 

Please note, that on RSC instructions, David Tennant is only allowed to sign things related to the production of Richard II and not autograph books.

Online version of The Telegraph article

Richard II section of

Fan photos and videos of David Tennant at the stage door after Richard II